Wellness, Business Melissa Yeager Wellness, Business Melissa Yeager

Working to Live

In a “live to work” world that's relentlessly obsessed with “the hustle” it can be tough to know when it's time to clock out, especially when you're trying to hone your craft and/or build a business. It's a topsy turvy balance act, trying to give work your all while also prioritizing your loved ones and your own needs. Trust me, we're all working on it and no one's got it perfect.

You'll notice on the My Story page of my site that I list balance as one of my core standards. I take this one very seriously, and I'm no stranger to the struggle of work vs. life. Some days I find myself so engrossed by work that I fight to tear myself away for things like quitting time, lunch, or even a break to stretch and let out the pup. But quality time with my loved ones is essential to me, and I know how the business inevitably suffers when I don't take time for myself. So unplug I must.

It can be tough to clock out when the emails are piling up and you can't seem to make time for enough quality social posts amidst your real work (or vice versa). How can you balance your work and life well in today's “always on” world? I know this challenge all too well, but thankfully I've found some tools I've integrated into my work life that make the balance a whole lot easier. Here's hoping they'll do the same for you!

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News, Business Melissa Yeager News, Business Melissa Yeager

My First 2 Months of Owning a Design Business

I cannot believe it's been two months since I officially quit my full-time job to take my brand design business full-time. It's definitely been a whirlwind, filled with personal victories and a lot more adjustments than I was anticipating. Much like my two week check-in, I want to take this time to pause for a bit and look back at my first two months of owning a creative business.

My Two Month Takeaways

So what's new since my last check-in? Where have I struggled? What's been going well? What have I learned? Read on and I'll tell you all about it, dollface.

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Design Melissa Yeager Design Melissa Yeager

6 Mantras to Transform Your Brand in 2016

Happy 2016!

Just like that, another year has passed. A new year is here—full of shiny possibilities and magic waiting to be uncovered. To help you make even more magic this year, I'm sharing these 6 mantras to help you transform your brand in 2016. Join me, and let's make 2016 our best year yet!

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